Molecular Spintronics

Molecular spintronics, also referred as organic spintronics, is a young and fascinating field that designs and studies molecular-based electronic devices where the spin is manipulated and controlled. Indeed, it takes the advantage of chemical and electric benefits of the molecules.

Molecular materials, rich in carbon atoms, present low hyperfine interaction (HI) and spin-orbit coupling (SOC), which constitute the main sources of spin depolarization. The HI comes from the interaction between the spin of the electron and the nuclear spin. Since the charge transport in molecules takes place along the carbon chains, the contact hyperfine is typically negligible as C¹², with an abundance amounting to 99%, has zero nuclear spin. Thus, in contrast with conventional inorganic solids, the HI in molecular materials is limited to the weak dipolar interaction with the nuclei of the hydrogen atoms. Furthermore, the SOC originates from the interaction between the spin of the electron and its movement in the atomic orbit being proportional to Z^4. Therefore, as organic materials are mainly composed of light elements, a small SOC and HI result leading to long spin diffusion lengths. In fact, molecular spintronics has not been limited to imitate the inorganic semiconductors but to give rise to new phenomena and to fabricate novel devices formed by one or few molecules in the race towards miniaturization. 

Analogously to molecular electronics, the molecular spintronics field can be divided in two sub-branches: molecular nanospintronics and molecular-based spintronics. In molecular nanoespintronics, a unique or a few molecules constitute the spintronic device where the spins are manipulated individually. The manipulation of single molecules is experimentally a big challenge and theoretical studies have taken the lead. One of the most interesting possibilities within molecular nanospintronics is the use of magnetic molecules in quantum computing not only as magnetic storage units or bits but also as readers of superposition of quantum states or spin qubits.

Molecular-based spintronics which was born in 2002 with the incorporation of an organic semiconductor in a spintronic structure. Since then, many molecular materials have been integrated in spintronic heterostructures giving rise to the second generation spintronic devices: molecular spin valves, spin-OLEDs, and magnetic solar cells.


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